
What are your options?

Billing information

ASIANA, Co., Ltd.
Velflíkova 8
160 00 Prague 6

Identification number: 49704362
Tax identification number: CZ49704362

ASIANA spol. s. r. o. (from now on referred to as "ASIANA"), ID number 49704362 has its registered office in Prague 6, Velflíkova 8, zip code 160 00. It is registered in the commercial register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, file 22489.

Cash at the branch in CZK, EUR, USD

  • Headquarters – Velflíkova 8, Prague 6, 160 00
    • Monday to Friday except for holidays from 09.00 AM to 05.30 PM
  • Zlín – Kvítková 7107, Zlín, 760 01
    • Monday to Friday except for holidays from 09.30 AM to 04.00 PM
  • Karlovy Vary – T. G. Masaryka 859/18, Karlovy Vary, 360 01
    • Monday to Friday except for holidays from 07.30 AM to 03.30 PM

Credit/debit card at the branch

  • VISA
  • VISA Electron
  • MasterCard
  • Maestro
  • Diners Club
  • JBC – Japan Credit Bureau

According to the payment options offered for each order, you can only make online payments with a card with a 3D secure protection element.

Bank transfer in CZK

  • Česká spořitelna, a. s. - 1925110329/0800
  • Československá obchodní banka, a. s. - 119607483/0300
  • Komerční banka, a. s. - 51-903270247/0100
  • UniCredit Bank, a. s. - 2106766513/2700

Bank transfer in EUR

  • Slovenská sporiteľňa, a. s. - SK65 0900 0000 0051 2660 8495
  • UniCredit Bank Slovakia a. s. - SK55 1111 0000 0011 8129 8006
  • Všeobecná úverová banka - SK59 0200 0000 0037 9212 1153
  • UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a. s. - 2108058107/2700


  • Paper vouchers (in person at the branch)
    • Ticket Benefits Holiday
    • Ticket Benefits Multi
    • Ticket Compliments Dárkové
  • The payment (purchase) of a ticket from the low-cost airline's offer may be limited due to reasons on the part of the operator of these flights. Request specific information before visiting the branch.
  • Edenred payment card (in person at the branch only via a payment terminal) – prepaid MasterCard with chip
    • Please check the possibility of transferring points to an e-ticket or e-voucher in the user interface (access to the cafeteria) with the option to purchase a ticket online. 
  • ​​​Edenred Benefits Café (in person at the branch, by email, and by phone) generated a six-digit code with the amount to be verified.
  • When paying with the mentioned benefits, you will be charged a handling fee of 5% of the value of the received benefits. Any additional payment and the handling fee can be paid in cash, by bank transfer, or by card.
  • When booking online, payment with vouchers (benefits) is only possible if the "Payment at the branch" option is offered at the time of payment.
  • When this option is not offered, paying and completing the reservation online is impossible.
  • It is mandatory to visit one of our branches in person to make such a reservation.
  • The payment (purchase) of a ticket from the low-cost airline's offer may be limited due to reasons on the part of the operator of these flights. Request specific information before visiting the branch.

Benefity CZ

  • BENEFITY card (the card is not for the payment terminal, in person at the branch) – plastic card with the penguin logo
    • Ten-digit card number and four-digit PIN to authorize payment with points
  • When paying with the mentioned benefits, you will be charged a handling fee of 5% of the value of the received benefits. Any additional payment and the handling fee can be paid in cash, by bank transfer, or by card.
  • When booking online, payment with vouchers (benefits) is only possible if the "Payment at the branch" option is offered at the time of payment.
  • When this option is not offered, paying and completing the reservation online is impossible.
  • It is mandatory to visit one of our branches in person to make such a reservation.
  • The payment (purchase) of a ticket from the low-cost airline's offer may be limited due to reasons on the part of the operator of these flights. Request specific information before visiting the branch.

The company UP Czech Republic

  • Paper vouchers (in person at the branch)
    • Unišek+
    • Unišek+ FKSP
    • Cadhoc
    • Check Holiday
  • Card eBenefity from Mastecard (only in person at the branch) – card with chip for payment terminal – supports Apple Pay and Google Pay.
  • When paying with the mentioned benefits, you will be charged a handling fee of 5% of the value of the received benefits. Any additional payment and the handling fee can be paid in cash, by bank transfer, or by card.
  • When booking online, payment with vouchers (benefits) is only possible if the "Payment at the branch" option is offered at the time of payment.
  • When this option is not offered, paying and completing the reservation online is impossible.
  • It is mandatory to visit one of our branches in person to make such a reservation.
  • The payment (purchase) of a ticket from the low-cost airline's offer may be limited due to reasons on the part of the operator of these flights. Request specific information before visiting the branch.

Pluxee (formerly Sodexo)

  • E-vouchers (in person, by email) - worth 2, 5, 7, and 10 thousand
    • The cooperation between Pluxee and Letuška is set only for e-vouchers. It is impossible to pay by card or paper vouchers issued by Pluxee.
    • On the Pluxee page, you will generate a sixteen-digit alphanumeric code for verification.
    • Please check the user interface's option to convert points to an e-voucher, including the option to purchase a ticket online.
    • We recommend securing e-vouchers only after verifying the possibility of purchasing the selected ticket with operators but in sufficient time before the purchase. Pluxee has limited free e-vouchers to buy and convert in any given week.
    • Please use the opportunity to get more information directly on the partner page Pluxee.
    • E-vouchers must be verified and activated. If you want to be sure that everything went well and that the e-voucher is ready for use, write to us, and we will validate it for you.
    • Only unused e-vouchers can be canceled. The credit will be returned to your Pluxee account.
  • When paying with the mentioned benefits, you will be charged a handling fee of 7% of the value of the received benefits. Any additional payment and the handling fee can be paid in cash, by bank transfer, or by card.
  • When booking online, payment with e-vouchers is only possible if the "Payment at the branch" option is offered at the time of payment.
  • When this option is not offered, paying and completing the reservation online is impossible.
  • It is mandatory to visit one of our branches in person to make such a reservation.
  • The payment (purchase) of a ticket from the low-cost airline's offer may be limited due to reasons on the part of the operator of these flights. Request specific information before visiting the branch.

My reservation